Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Journal 43

Side bar – Have you ever had a chauffeur take you around downtown Manhattan to do shopping? I have the distinct pleasure and saying that I can now cross that off my bucket list. It will be the only time in my life that I will be able to do something like that so I felt like it was something that I should mention here. Truly a fun experience.

Now, back to some of the things that I have considered. First, in an attempt to utilize less water, new methods of water preservation must be taken into consideration. This is something simple like turning the faucet off while brushing teeth. But there are other means of doing this. The Bellagio, a hotel I mentioned in a previous entry, has a wonderful water display (I was there a couple months ago and took a video of the show). As I was watching it, I kept thinking to myself that it was a truly impressive amount of water that was being used. When I enquired about this, I found out that they have huge tanks that hold the water, and that the water that is used is actually recycled over and over and over again. Meaning, that despite the massive amount of water being used, it is almost 100% recycled. And in the case of less extravagant, every day, circumstances, using more efficient water faucets, and using the best washers/dryers and dishwashers can do much to save on a person’s water bill. But these are first world solutions. What about in third world situations where a dishwater is a luxury, almost unheard of, or what about irrigation and waste disposal? Which, in the United States, uses a very large amount of water. That is something else that much be looked at and I will see about having some potential recommendations later this week.

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