Monday, September 30, 2013

Journal 13

I finally went to the gift shop and purchased a lanyard for my ID card. I also got to attend a High-Level meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs as they spoke on Transportation issues concerning LLDCs. The significance was not lost on me. One of my main focuses of thought for this week is concerning the role of Regional Organizations in promoting sustainable mountain development. And this issue of transportation is a big one.

Part of the problem is that, as a land-locked developing nation, access to ocean and sea transport (cheapest form of transport) is non-existent. I mean the name pretty much says it all. This means that these countries must rely on more expensive means of transport. Already, usually, considered poorer nations, land-locked nations cannot easily meet the financial demands that appear before them. For a land-locked nation, this means that a large portion of their, already limited, GDP is set aside to deal with transportation costs.

How does this relate to the issue of the role of regional organizations in promoting SMD? It relates in that, there is a very real necessity for nations to collaborate and produce a means to cut down the financial demand of transportation costs. Organizations such as the WTO, International Communications Union (ITU), and others promote a collaborative effort such as the Almaty Programme of Action.

The purpose of this programme is to develop countermeasures to such issues as the lack of definite infrastructure or the lack of adequate communications. I think that the WTO put it the most succinctly; 1) Agreement to trade facilitation. 2) Enhancing allocation of aide for trade (commitment from donors) 3) Need to diversify from goods to services. 4) Excision from the WTO. I wasn’t sure about that last one. The only way that I could see that as a positive means of change would be for the LLDCs to have paid back any and all loans or trade agreements that might have been previously made.

With the continued efforts of these nations, a new, brighter, future for their citizens is possible.

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