Thursday, November 14, 2013

Journal 33

Today I was able to go to several meetings on SMD. While this isn’t particularly a new thing, several interesting things happened. In the first session that I attended, the French to English translator forgot to turn her mic of after translating. What was so funny about this seemingly innocuous even was the mouth on her. She could have made a sailor blush, as the old saying goes. The second was in the second session. In this particular session, there were several policy briefs passed that caused serious agitation to the delegate from Israel. His Palestinian counter-part was equally vehement. The reason that I mention these is because of the following thoughts.

Concerning the woman who was caught on audio, I thought it relevant to remark on the similarities between getting caught speaking when you aren’t expecting to be over-heard and portraying an image that might not be in alignment with your personal opinions. What she said wasn’t as important as what is constantly portrayed in the media today. I thought it an interesting connection.

As with the second group of individuals, I was incredibly interested in their banter back and forth. One would openly condemn the votes of those who went against their opinion and the other mocked them for their ignorance. While I could see both of their arguments, I am more interested in how politically charged some of these policy briefs really are. It is important to understand that despite the good intentions of those here at the United Nations, the policies that are put up for ratification are still just politically motivated.

Just some food for thought for even the most well-intentioned.

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